Ossian (pronounced ‘os-si-un’) from The Poems of Ossian is an offshore wind farm under development approximately 84km off the east coast of Scotland.
At 858km² of seabed, Ossian is one of the largest lease areas to be offered by Crown Estate Scotland to any bidder in the ScotWind leasing round.
The lease area has average water depths of 72m, making the site suitable for the deployment of floating offshore wind turbines to deliver up to 3.6GW of new installed capacity – enough to power up to 6 million homes annually and offset up to 7.5 million tonnes of carbon emissions each year.
Ossian will export to Great Britain’s grid via connections to Lincolnshire which are being delivered as part of National Grid ESO’s Holistic Network Design. You can learn more in National Grid ESO’s ‘Beyond 2030’ report.
As one of the largest wind farm developments in Scottish waters, Ossian represents a new tradition in power generation – and, like the poems, links far-off lands through our partnership of companies from around the world, bringing together local knowledge and global expertise.
Through its scale, power, tradition, and global reach, Ossian will be critical in providing a significant proportion of the renewable energy capacity we need to meet government ambitions and reach net zero.
Significant works have already been completed to ensure that the project can be delivered at speed to respond to the climate emergency.
Completion of the export cable geophysical survey along the 420km route in the North Sea. The survey gathered crucial data in water depths ranging from the shoreline to over 100m in Q4 2024
Consultation concluded for offshore array and project team continue engagement with all consultees to address feedback in Q3 2024
Consent application submission for the offshore array to the Scottish Government in Q2 2024
Ossian transmission infrastructure for both onshore and offshore is confirmed as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project by the Secretary of State in Q2 2024
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Report for the Ossian array submitted to, and opinion received from Marine Directorate setting out the approach to defining the environmental baseline in Q1 2024
First public consultation for the offshore wind farm array launched in Q1 2024
Ocean Infinity geotechnical survey concludes in Q4 2023
Fugro geotechnical survey completed in Q3 2023
Metocean 12-month data gathering campaign completed in Q3 2023
24 months of site-specific bird and marine mammal digital aerial surveys completed in Q1 2023
Geophysical survey of the offshore array completed in Q3 2022
Benthic grab sampling and seabed imagery, and epibenthic trawls across the site boundary completed in Q3 2022
Floating LiDAR and Metocean buoys deployed to collect 24 and 12 months of data respectively in Q3 2022
New tradition
Restless movement
Epic scale