Our quest for net-zero on an epic scale

Our non-statutory consultation on the Ossian Transmission Infrastructure is live from Monday 17 March to Sunday 13 April
Ossian offshore wind farm is a joint venture between SSE Renewables, Marubeni Corporation and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP).
With a potential capacity of up to 3.6GW, Ossian will be one of the largest floating offshore wind farms globally.
6,000,000 homes powered per annum based on Typical Domestic Consumption Values (Medium Electricity Profile Class 1, 2,900kWh per household; OFGEM, June 2021), typical 50% projected wind load factor, and projected installed capacity of 3,600MW. Quoted 7.5m tonnes of CO2 reductions per annum based on expected annual output against average 440 tonnes CO2 per GWh for all non-renewable fuels, August 2021.
Estimated carbon emissions offset up to
7.5m tonnes
Site dimensions
Homes powered up to
6 million
Capacity up to
The Project
At 858 square kilometres of seabed, Ossian is one of the largest areas to be offered by Crown Estate Scotland to any bidder in the ScotWind leasing round. Located approximately 84km off the east coast of Scotland, the project area has average water depths of 72m, making the site suitable for the deployment of floating offshore wind turbines. Up to 3.6GW of new installed capacity will be delivered to Great Britain via grid connections to Lincolnshire.
SSE Renewables Limited, Marubeni Corporation, and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners are combining their unparalleled local experience and extensive global expertise in the development of offshore wind farms to deliver significant and enduring social, economic, and decarbonisation benefits to the UK.