Array Consent Application Documents

Over the last three years, Ossian has completed an extensive programme of surveys and assessments to better understand the environmental conditions of the offshore site. 

The programme of work included aerial surveys of marine mammals, site specific and regional ornithological surveys, benthic surveys, as well as geophysical and geotechnical investigations.  The output of this work is a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which has now been submitted to the Scottish Government, as part of the consent application for the Array. 

The EIA and consent application documents are available to view below on our dedicated consultation website, and are also hosted on the Scottish Government’s Marine Directorate’s website. If you have any comments or questions on the Ossian Array, the EIA Report or our consent applications, please e-mail

Offshore Consent Applications

EIA - Non-Technical Summary

EIA Introduction

EIA - Technical Assessments

EIA - Technical Reports

Appendix 5.1 - Consultation Responses

Appendix 5.1, Annex A

Appendix 5.1, Annex B

Appendix 5.1, Annex C

Appendix 5.1, Annex D

Appendix 5.1, Annex E

Appendix 5.1, Annex F

Appendix 6.1 - Scoping Report

Appendix 6.2 - Scoping Opinion

Appendix 6.3 - Enhancement, Mitigation and Monitoring Commitments

Appendix 6.4 - Cumulative Effects Screening

Appendix 6.5 - Cumulative Effects - Location of Projects and Plans

Appendix 6.6 - Transboundary Impacts Screening

Appendix 7.1 - Physical Processes Technical Report

Appendix 7.1, Annex A

Appendix 8.1 - Benthic Subtidal Ecology Technical Report

Appendix 8.1, Annex A

Appendix 9.1 - Fish and Shellfish Ecology Technical Report

Appendix 10.1 - Underwater Noise Technical Report

Appendix 10.2 - Marine Mammal Technical Report

Appendix 10.2, Annex A

Appendix 10.2, Annex B

Appendix 10.3 - Marine Mammals iPCod Modelling Report

Appendix 11.1 - Offshore Ornithology Baseline Report

Appendix 11.1, Annex A

Appendix 11.1, Annex B

Appendix 11.1, Annex C

Appendix 11.1, Annex D

Appendix 11.2 - Offshore Ornithology Collision Risk Model Technical Report

Appendix 11.2, Annex A

Appendix 11.2, Annex B

Appendix 11.3 - Offshore Ornithology Displacement Technical Report

Appendix 11.3, Annex A

Appendix 11.4 - Offshore Ornithology MRSea Technical Report

Appendix 11.4, Annex A

Appendix 11.4, Annex B

Appendix 11.5 - Offshore Ornithology EIA Population Viability Analysis Technical Report

Appendix 12.1 - Commercial Fisheries Technical Report

Appendix 13.1 - Shipping and Navigation Navigation Risk Assessment

Appendix 14.1 - Aviation, Military and Communications Technical Report

Appendix 14.1, Annex A

Appendix 17.1 - Climatic Effects Greenhouse Gas Technical Report

Appendix 17.2 - Climatic Effects Climate Change Risk Assessment Technical Report

Appendix 17.3 - In-Combination Climate Change Impact (ICCI) Assessment

Appendix 18.1 - Socio-Economics Technical Report

Appendix 19.1 - Marine Archaeology Technical Report

Appendix 19.1, Annex A

Appendix 19.1, Annex B

Appendix 19.1, Annex C

Appendix 19.2 - Marine Archaeology Written Scheme of Investigation and Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries

Appendix 19.2, Annex A

Appendix 19.2, Annex B

Appendix 19.2, Annex C

Appendix 19.2, Annex D

EIA - Outline Management Plans

Report to Inform Appropriate Assessment (RIAA)

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